Coke, Machines, Stars & Kisses

Coke, Machines, Stars & Kisses
Fri 25 Aug 23
Sat 26 Aug 23

It’s the end of the night, Lewis & Dale are the last two standing. They have known each other since school, they grew up on the same estate, around the same people, with the same lack of opportunity, but they were never friends.

Lewis never left. Dale got out.

One more drink & one more line leads them to both look up and let down their guards. Their real selves allowed to be thrust into the night sky and here in this moment together, the world looks beautiful. But as the sun rises and the stars fade, will they live in this new found freedom or be forced to go back to the lives they lead?

Coke, Machines, Stars & Kisses is a new play written by John O’Neill that examines the relationships we have with ourselves, our community and the future we really want to create.

UP ‘ERE Productions
1 Hour