This is Where We Begin

This is Where We Begin
Thu 13 Jul 23
Mon 8 Jul 24

Part of the Walk This Play® series by ThickSkin, supported by The Old Courts.

The memories of Wigan are waiting for you. Listen closely to the sounds around you, find the voice of your guide and the memory will become clearer.

Welcome to the in between. A place where all our memories are stored. Hear that sound? Distant and muffled. The memories of people past and present. Feel the gentle rumble under your feet? This pavement holds a history.

This Is Where We Begin takes you on a journey around Wigan town centre. It has been developed by a group of local young creatives alongside ThickSkin’s Artistic Director, Neil Bettles, and Associate Director, Joseph Walsh, as a celebration of the town’s past, present, and future.

There’s no need to book, simply download the free Walk This Play® app to your device via Apple App Store or Google Play. You will need headphones and a smart phone.

The walk starts at the top of King Street, next to PopWorld by the purple door.

You are welcome to take part as many times as you choose.

ThickSkin Theatre

ThickSkin is reinventing theatre for the next generation. We are reimagining what theatre can be and looking to share human stories through quality, future-facing, multi-disciplined formats. We’re developing 360° artists of the future for a hybrid world where physical and digital collide in more ways than ever before.

An award-winning theatre company based in Wigan, ThickSkin creates work across live and digital platforms. We produce bold and ambitious theatre; using our distinctive physicality and cinematic style to reach and inspire young, new and diverse audiences across the world. We nurture talented theatre makers, providing a springboard for artists who are ready to take a leap.

40 minutes (can be done any time between 9am-5pm)

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