Ahoy! Ballad of the Time Kraken

Ahoy! Ballad of the Time Kraken
Fri 28 Jul 23
Sat 29 Jul 23

From the team behind Starburst magazine’s “most exciting show of 2022”, Ahoy: Ballad of the Time Kraken showcases loveable characters from all across time, working together to figure out their deepest fears and find their path home once again. Through the heartfelt lens of friendship, ‘New Blood’ comes to remember and confront her hard past. With pride in herself for weathering a difficult journey, she must put her confidence and courage to the test and help her newfound family defeat the dangerous Time Kraken.

Third in a series of heightened, raucous and friendly musical escapades that lean on the fourth wall and bring a fun-filled energy to Fringe audiences. If you’re in the mood for “a clever and extremely funny 90 minutes” (Number 9 reviews on Rocket Whip’s debut show “Communism: The Musical”), set sail down to Salford Arts Theatre and breathe the free, salty air of the devilish seas of time!

Rocket Whip Productions
Rocket Whip are a queer-led GM theatre company who bring zany, adventurous, original comedy musicals to the stage. Formed in 2021, they have taken annual shows to the GM Fringe with a diverse, female-led set of talent behind the wheel. Their first show, "Communism: the Musical!" sold out three times, followed up by "Best Musical" nominee (GM Fringe 2022) "Skedaddle: A Space Opera!". Rocket Whip continue to follow their main missions: to convert even the most sceptical theatregoer to the unexpected range and fun of musical theatre, and to keep on building new opportunities for upcoming artists who write, sing, dance, act, or anything in between!
£10/£8 concessions
110 mins